Bangalore, March 27, 2022: For the first time the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) was introduced in the Archdiocese of Bangalore. In order to start this ministry to the lay faithful and religious, the seminar was organized on 27th March 2022 and 29th March 2022 by the Liturgy Commission. On the first day nearly 54 of them participated from the various parishes and institutions. The input sessions by the resource persons were highly appreciated by all. Rev. Fr. Alphonse Bhaskar, Secretary of the Liturgy Commission, introduced the subject to the participants and highlighted the importance of the EMHC. Rev. Fr. Adrian F C Mascarenhas spoke on the basic theology of the Eucharist. The presentation on the historical background helped the participants to understand the importance of the ministry on the Eucharist. Following the tea break, Rev. Fr. Christopher Vimalraj shared the guidelines on EMHC. With the help of the pictures with the clear explanation in detail on the guidelines helped the participants to understand the sacredness of the ministry. Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore celebrated the Holy Eucharist at noon for the participants. Speaking in his homily, he urged the participants not be like the eldest son in the parable of the Prodigal Son and asked the participants to be merciful towards the repentant connecting to the ministry of the laity. Archbishop also admonished the participants to be holy and joyful. Addressing the afternoon session, Rev. Sr. Gracelet spoke on how to take the communion to the sick and needy to the hospitals and other places. Rev. Fr. Pradeep, SJ, spoke on the gestures and postures while administering the sacrament of Holy Communion. The seminar was concluded with the workshop on the subject. The second day of the training began with the same time table as the first day. Rev. Fr. Alphonse Bhaskar, Rev. Dr. Cyril Victor, Director of ACC, addressed the participants on various aspects of the Holy Eucharist. In this session, 15 participants from the Archdiocesan Board of Education Schools took part. Mr. J A Kanthraj, PRO & Spokesperson for the Archdiocese of Bangalore, spoke on Privilege and importance of the ministry from the laity perspective and the day was concluded with the Holy Eucharist by Rev. Fr. Alphonse Bhaskar.

A much needed initiative; there are many elderly Catholics longing to receive The Holy Communion regularly but are unable to travel to the church for different reasons; such faithful can be listed out in each parish and these Extraordinary Ministers of HC should be able to fulfil this long awaited Sacrament of Holy Communion on a regular basis. Congratulations Arch Bishop and Fr Alphonse Bhaskar.
Jesu Kalaraj K
St John Paul II Church
Kalkere Channasandra