Bangalore: The Archdiocesan Liturgy Commission organised the ongoing formation on the sacred ministry of the Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion on 2nd September 2019 at Paalana Bhavana.
The participants who took part in the seminar were the religious men and women and lay faithful from the various parishes of the Archdiocese.
The resource person Rev Dr. Ayres Fernandez, the CCBI Executive Secretary for the Liturgy Commission, highlighted the importance and significance of the sacred ministry specially in reference to the Extraordinary minister of Holy Communion.
The liturgical norms and practical tips on the sacred ministry were presented.
Before the conclusion of the seminar a group discussion was conducted by Fr. Alphonse Bhaskar on the topic "Missionary Month in the Archdiocese of Bangalore". The members have suggested few practical points for the missionary Month in October 2019.
