Bangalore, July 29, 2021: A second silent protest in a week was staged in front of the Archbishop’s house in observance of National Justice Day. Bengaluru Archbishop, a bunch of priests, sisters and brothers stood in silence to mark protest in favor of Fr. Stan Swamy. The Jesuit Conference of India called on July 28, 2021 to observe National Justice Day all over India by all the Churches, institutions and religious houses. Placards, candles and posters were held in honor of Fr. Stan Swamy to demand justice.
Archbishop Peter spoke at the rally saying, “Fr. Stan stood as a voice for the voiceless. If he is silenced, like him many more will be silenced. Fr. Stan selflessly fought to uphold the rights of the tribal people. He is popularly known as human rights activist and tribal rights activist. He is the prophet of our times”.

The Prelate of Bangalore spoke firmly for the cause of justice and his tone echoed the agony and pain over the death of an innocent man. He called on the gathered members to be prophets of Hope rather the prophets of boom or prophets of Doom. He encouraged the new priests who are on their journey to various missionary areas in northern Karnataka and North India that they have to become Voice of the voiceless.
“We are here on the National justice day in remembrance of the people who are unjustly put behind bars and who have lost their lives.”
The placards read the slogans such as, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”.
“We stand with Fr. Stan”; “A man of action and not mere words”; “Many more Stan’s to stand”; “A caged bird can still sing”; and many more.
The procession started at the entrance of the Pastoral Center and holding the lighted candles and posters prayers were recited for the deceased Priest, Fr. Stan. Since the death of Fr. Stan, such silent protests have been held nationwide for the accountability of his death.
-Archdiocesan Communication Center