Bangalore, 14th December 2019: Much anticipated dream of the people of Laggere came to reality at the inauguration of the newly built St. John De Britto Church. On account of the inauguration of the new church, the parish people sent forth festive vibes and displayed an aura of joyous celebration.
Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore blessed and inaugurated the new church with the solemn concelebrated Holy Eucharist. Archbishop emeritus Most Rev. Bernard Moras was also present at the ceremony. Rev. Fr. Pious Arun, the parish priest of the newly built church accorded a warm welcome to everyone.
Speaking in his homily, his grace the archbishop said, “It’s not enough to build the beautiful building, instead we should build beautiful community, one community of Christ.”
The newly built church revealed an interesting fact that its completion involved the tenure and relentless efforts of three archbishops. The land on which the new church is built was purchased by the then Archbishop of Bangalore Most Rev. Dr. Alphonse Mathias, its foundation stone was laid by Archbishop Emeritus Most Rev. Dr. Bernard Moras and now the newly built church being inaugurated by Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore. This is also the first church in all of Karnataka dedicated to St. John De Britto.
Archbishop Bernard recalled the difficulties and challenges faced to bring out the structure and thanked the almighty God for his unfailing blessings.
The unique architectural style displayed in the church is the display of seven sacraments in the form of stained glasses, while the sacrament of Holy Eucharist being the most Holy Sacrament or Sacrament of Sacraments is depicted in the centre behind the altar. The church can accommodate at a time 450 people.
-Mr. Ajay, PRO office