Bangalore, April 2021: The time for personal introspection and spiritual contemplation has arrived once again for the clergy of the Archdiocese of Bangalore as they prepare for their annual retreat. According to the Archdiocesan Circular, priests are going to make retreat in two groups consecutively at the Ecumenical Center, White Field, Bangalore. Retreat for the first batch of the clergy will commence on 12th April to 16th April 2021, while the second batch of the clergy take part from 19th April to 23rd April, 2021. The retreat is being preached by His Excellency Most Rev. Dr. Sebastian Singaroyan, Bishop Emeritus of Salem diocese in the neighbouring Tamil Nadu State. Archbishop Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado said in his monthly Circular that retreat time is always a time of grace. He also urged the faithful of the Archdiocese to keep their pastors in prayer as they spend time in prayer and reflection. Report: Ajay Raj, PRO Office.
God b less our dedicated priests