Bengaluru, April 1, 2020: In view of the likelihood of the lockdown situation continuing for the next two weeks, Archbishop Peter Machado of Bengaluru held a video conference with the 14 Deans of all the 6 civil districts of the Bengaluru Archdiocese.The Prelate narrated in brief all the relief work being done in connection with the crisis situation that has arisen due to the Corona pandemic. He briefed the deans about the help being rendered with regard to the care of the sick, food for the poor, and shelter for the migrants and the stranded.He informed them about setting aside five diocesan schools to take care of the homeless.

The Bangalore Multipurpose Social Service Society (BMSSS) has been geared up to receive contributions both in cash and kind, along with all Bengaluru Archdiocesan Parish Churches have been identified where the immediate help could be sought. The Paalanaa Bhavana, Archdiocesan Pastoral Center, has been set up as a collection center, from where grocery packs containing rice, wheat, oil and other essentials are being transported to reach the needy.
The Deans*, on their part, acquainted the Archbishop with the ground reality of their parishes as well as of the deaneries. They informed him about the immediate relief work being taken up at both the parish and the deanery level. The Archbishop enquired about their immediate needs and also directed them to contact the already identified and dedicated personnel in the Archdiocese for the rapid relief work.

The Archdiocesan website has dedicated major space on the webpage to bring together the donors and the beneficiaries so that they may personally see how the relief work is progressing on a day-to-day basis. Please log on to www.bangalorearchdiocese.org for regular updates.
As the Prelate interacted with the Deans, he urged them to celebrate their daily mass with great devotion, to intercede with God for the removal of the Corona pandemic from the face of the earth. In the coming days more such conferences will be organized to take stock of the situation for an extensive relief effort to be carried out in the entire archdiocese.
Fr. Cyril Victor Joseph
Archdiocesan Communications Center (ACC)
*The Deans are representatives of a set of parishes grouped on the basis of geographical location. They are the immediate contact persons for all the priests who come under a particular deanery.