Bangalore: With the intent to collaborate in the family apostolate, over 11 family movements got together under the initiative of Archdiocesan Family commission on 9th of February, 2019 at Paalana Bhavana, the Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre for a ‘meet and greet’ programme.

During the gathering, the office bearers of various family movements made a presentation of the goals and charisms of their movements. Further, the discussion focused on the possible areas of collaboration with family commission of the Archdiocese of Bangalore. These embrace marriage preparation course, teenage ministry and instituting family cells in each parish.
The program was attended by Focolare, Discipleship of Christ, Happy Families, LFLC, OPUS DEI, People of Praise, Marriage encounter, Couples for Christ, Retrouvaille, Christian Family Movement and the Ark Family. The groups consented to meet once in every 6 months.