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"New Shepherds for the Flock: Episcopal Ordination of Auxiliary Bishops Draws Thousands"

The Episcopal Ordination ceremony, held on 24th August 2024, began with a solemn procession of over 400 priests, led by the Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore, to the Holy Altar. The installation of the two new Auxiliary Bishops, Msgr. Rev. Arokiaraj Satis Kumar and Msgr. Joseph Susainathan, was marked by deep reverence and devotion, with the choir leading the congregation in praise and worship.


The highlight of the ceremony was the installation itself, which was conducted with profound solemnity and prayerfulness. Archbishop Emeritus Rev. Dr. Bernard Moras, Apostolic Administrator of the Mysore Diocese, Rev. Dr. Anthonyswamy, Bishop of Chickmagalur Diocese, and Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado, who also served as the chief celebrant, led the sacred rites.


Archbishop Peter Machado, along with Bishop Gerald Lobo of Udupi and Bishop Lawrence Pius Dorairaj of Dharmapuri, spoke on the significant role of a Shepherd within the Church. They highlighted the Biblical image of the shepherd, who, in the agrarian economy of Palestine, was entrusted with the care of sheep, often risking his life to protect them. They emphasized that every Bishop takes Jesus, the Good Shepherd who laid down His life for humanity, as their model. The Bishops called upon the faithful to embrace the new Auxiliary Bishops as their spiritual leaders and to offer them full support.


During the felicitation program, Archbishop Machado emphasized that the selection of these two Bishops was not based on their intelligence, linguistic abilities, or administrative experience, but on their humility and simplicity. He assured the congregation that they would serve all people, regardless of culture, language, or tradition, with particular attention to the poor, marginalized, and those facing hardships.


In a gesture of compassion, the collection taken during the Holy Mass was dedicated to the survivors and victims of the landslides in Wayanad, Kerala.


The event was graced by the presence of nearly twenty-four Archbishops and Bishops, close to 500 priests and religious sisters, and over five to six thousand lay faithful, all gathered in the sprawling campus of St. Francis Xavier Cathedral to give thanks to God for this blessed occasion.


The felicitation program that followed the services began vibrantly with a welcome dance by students from St. Rocks School. Msgr. Alberto Napolitano, the representative of the Apostolic Nuncio, conveyed his warm and prayerful greetings to the newly ordained Auxiliary Bishops. Archbishop Emeritus Bernard Moras, in his message, paid tribute to their dedication and commitment as pastoral ministers of the Archdiocese. Mr. J A Kanthraj, the PRO & Spokesperson of the Archdiocese, also delivered a brief but heartfelt felicitation message. The program concluded with expressions of sincere gratitude from the two new Bishops.


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