Annual meeting of all the Major Superiors with the Archbishop was held on Mar 1, 2020 at Palana Bhavana, Bengaluru. Around 130 Provincial Superiors residing in the Archdiocese of Bengaluru participated in this annual meeting representing various Religious Congregations. The meeting began at 9.30 am with a prayer. Fr Xavier Manavat, the Episcopal Vicar for Religious welcomed the gathering and informed the need of this annual event. Fr Praveen DSouza, OFM the President of Karnataka Regional Conference of Religious thanked the Archbishop for such initiative where the clergy and religious can think together for the good of the Church in Bengaluru and Karnataka.Archbishop in his address requested the whole-hearted cooperation of the Religious in the pastoral work of the Parishes esp in visiting the houses which is impossible for a Parish Priest to do it at a regular basis. His Grace explained the significance of the Year of the Poor that is being observed in the Archdiocese. Along with leading a simple way of life he called upon to reach out to the poor in a best way possible.

All the Religious agreed to follow a common education policy in the Archdiocese of Bengaluru which was well drafted taking into consideration the education of the poor of the community. His Grace called upon the Religious to open houses and mission centers in the periphery of the Archdiocese where Catholic presence is more. He also promised necessary help. He also requested the women Religious to work hard to recruit vocations from the Archdiocese itself. After mutual sharing on the issues on the agenda, the meet came to an end with the Holy Eucharist presided over by His Grace followed by agape.
Fr. Stifan Perera, OCD
Executive Secretary, KRCR