Lourdes School at Ramnagar celebrated their 6th Annual Day on 17th Jan 2019. The School is run by Missionary Sisters of St Teresa of Child Jesus & is a unit of the Archdiocesan Board of Education. Most Rev. Dr Peter Machado, the Archbishop of Bangalore graced the occasion by his presence. In his presidential address he said, “According to us running a school is not just a profession but it is a service to the society”. He continued to stress the point that love of money is not the motivation behind establishing a school but it is the love of humanity. He elevated teaching from just being a profession to that of a service that is of great value in society. “Imparting education is the best form of charity”, said the Archbishop. Further he promised that the religious beliefs of all students will be respected and emphasized that living as good citizens in society is an important objective of this education system.

Dignitaries present
Most Rev. Dr Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore
Rev. Fr John Rose, Secretary of the Archdiocesan Board of Education
Rev. Fr John Peter, Parish Priest of Our Lady of Lourdes Ramnagar
Mrs Shoba V Kumar, Sub-inspector of Police, Women’s Station Ramnagar
Sr Josephine, Headmistress
Mr Sebastian, Parents Representative.