Bangalore, 27 October, 2019: A Sunday that was meaningfully celebrated by the faithful of St. Theresa’s Church, JC Road as they pondered the themes of mission and evangelization in observance of the Extraordinary Mission Month. It was also a fitting celebration along with the Mission Sunday celebration. Rev. Fr. Cyril Victor, the speaker of the day highlighted how the parish, family and every Christian individual need to realize and fulfill the vocation of Baptism. Every individual who has received the baptism has received as a Christian not as a Priest, Bishop or Pope, as noted in the special document given by the Vatican for the observance of EMM. At the beginning of the celebration the enthronement of the Word of God took place by the youth of the parish. Rev. Fr. Alphonse Bhaskar. Invited the parishioners to make use of the EMM as a wonderful opportunity to see how the parish can be dynamic to receive many other faithful from other parishes as well as people of other faiths, by introducing new and creative programs to make a difference to the ordinary life of the parish. At this event, there was a discussion of what ministries could be taken up to make the out reach more effective and possible. The parishioners interacted with various practical questions when it comes to the question of sharing Christian faith or to speak of Jesus to others.
