Bengaluru, March 3, 2023: Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bengaluru delivered his inaugural address during the workshop on the Establishment of a Christian Research Center in Bengaluru. The workshop took place at St. Joseph’s University Campus in Langford Road, Bengaluru.
The objective of establishing a Christian Research Center by the Archdiocese of Bangalore in association with St. Joseph’s University, is solely to shed light on the contribution of Christians to various fields in society. Besides this, the Christian Research Center also aims to facilitate research and studies on Christian literature, lexicography, history and culture, and publish books on the same.
The workshop took to a colourful start with Rev. Fr. Victor Lobo SJ, Vice-Chancellor, and Rev. Fr. Swebert D’Silva SJ, Pro-Chancellor, St. Joseph’s University, formally welcoming the Chief Guest, Guest of Honor and other dignitaries.
Prof. S. Japhet, former Vice-Chancellor of Bengaluru City University, and visiting professor of NLSIU, who’s volunteered to lead the Center, began with his prefatory remarks and briefly presented the proposal regarding the establishment of the Christian Research Center.
Archbishop Peter Machado delivered the inaugural address, in which he highlighted the tremendous contributions of Christians to literature, art, culture, education, and social service. The prelate also listed some of the names of prominent Christians who rendered yeomen services in their respective genres.
Rev. Fr. Dionysius Vaz SJ, Provincial Superior, Karnataka Jesuit Province, and Rt. Rev. Hemachandra, CSI Bishop of Karnataka South Diocese, was the Chief Guest and Guest of Honor respectively.
Prof. Rajendra Chenni, Writer and Public Intellectual, Prof. Rahamat Tarikere, Writer and Folklorist, and Prof. Prithvi Datta Chandra, Dean, Krea University, were the main resource persons, who individually reciprocated their responses on the idea of establishing a Christian Research Center.
The two-day workshop witnessed sessions on various topics and presentations and group discussions by eminent writers, folklorists, historians and participants. Writer and Folklorist Dr B S Talwadi spoke on the subject: Christian Contribution to Karnataka Culture, Literature and Education: An Overview, Dr Mona Mendonza who is a professor at St Aloysius College, Mangalore, addressed the topic “Contribution of Catholic Christians to Education and Health, and historian Dr Peter Prabhakar Wilson gave a presentation on the topic: Contribution of Protestant Christians to Karnataka.
More discussions and deliberations took place on the second day too. There were drafts of resolutions, recommendations, tentative allocation of assignments, deciding the date for future meetings, and thoughts over estimate of expenditure and required funds. The workshop culminated with the vote of thanks proposed by Rev. Fr. Victor Lobo SJ, Vice-Chancellor, St. Joseph’s University.