It was yet another gesture by the Archbishop and the Bangalore Archdiocese to show solidarity with the differently abled amongst us. The Holy Mass celebrated by Archbishop Dr. Peter Machado reminded the faithful their responsibility towards their differently abled brothers and sisters as they strive to live their Christian faith.
Rev. Fr. Clement Deep in his introductory remarks said that it is a Happy Sunday for us as our Lord tells us through the readings that if we believe, if we persevere in faith, anything is possible; healing is possible. He urged the faithful to deepen their faith in Christ so that His healing power will change us.
As June 27 is celebrated as ‘Helen Keller Day’ across the world, the visually impaired youngsters from, the Jyothi Seva community were invited to animate the Holy Mass. Haradan Justine and Eliza Souza did the readings, followed by Sr. Assunta, who did the prayer of the faithful. Mr. Praveen trained and led the choir members who added fervour to the Mass through their angelic and melodious singing.

Archbishop Dr Peter Machado in his homily said that it is a good day as we celebrate the feast of our Lady of Perpetual Succour and the ‘Laity Sunday’. Dwelling on the day’s readings, the Archbishop explained that faith is pleading and ‘shaking’ our Lord to give us something, if it is His will. “God works miracles to reveal his Glory and for the good of His people. As one door closes, he opens many windows and it can be said the same about the differently abled young adults among us. Just as Hellen Keller, whose memory we commemorate on this day, was able to overcome her physical disabilities, the differently abled too are blessed with many talents and can lead successful lives if we could nurture the talent in them,” he said. He acknowledged and praised the Jyothi Seva sisters for doing a commendable job in this regard.

In his concluding remarks, the Archbishop, thanked the Archdiocesan commission for the Differently Abled for facilitating the meaningful celebration of liturgy and urged the faithful to support the Franciscan Sisters Servants of the Cross (Jyothi Seva sisters) and other institutions who are actively involved in the mission of uplifting the differently abled and the less privileged in our society.