Bangalore, 20th December 2019: A sense of gratitude gleamed on the face of Rev. Fr. D. S. Arokiaswamy as he celebrated today sacerdotal golden jubilee of his priestly ordination. The senior clergy looked serene and cheerful as he gratefully reminisced 50 prolific years of his priesthood. Most Rev. Dr. Peter Macahdo, Archbishop of Bangalore presided over the thanksgiving Holy Eucharist and prayed for the golden priest. The senior priests of Clergy Home, sisters and brothers joined Fr. D. S. Arokiaswamy in praising God for His bountiful blessings. The septuagenarian priest broke the Word of God and recounted the tender mercy of God. The Archbishop felicitated Fr. D. S. Arokiaswamy and hailed his selfless service in the vineyard of the Lord. The gathering congratulated Fr. D. S. Arokiaswamy on his 50 fruitful years of priesthood and smiled for a group photo.