Bangalore: a day’s workshop was organized at Paalanaa Bhavana for all the secretaries and joint secretaries of the archdiocesan pastoral commissions on Tuesday, September 10, 2019 . The archbishop of Bangalore before leaving to Vatican for the Ad limiina visit inaugurated the workshop and the resource persons were Rev. Fr. Francis Gintipilly, the regional secretary for the commission of labor as well as Rev Fr Sagaya John, the director of NBCLC.
Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado Gabe the inaugural address and stressed the significance of the workshop to those who lead the commissions. A special appreciation was given by the Archbishop to all for their dedicated service through their respective commissions for the growth of the Church in Bangalore.

In his speech, he quoted the example of the monument Hampi Ratha, which is magnificent and so creative but yet cannot move for various reasons, so also some of the commissions are commissioned and have beautiful set up but if they do not reach the peripheries of the archdiocese, the purpose is defeated.
He also noted that to make the commissions more active and dynamic, what is needed is Heart, Art and Heat. Heart refers to the interest, while art means creativity and the heat is the zeal the push to go forward.
“According to the need of time we need to refocus and purify our activities”, said Fr sagaya john, one of the resource persons. Fr Guntupilli led the groups in group discussions to find out the mission-vision statement along with their activities of each commission.
The participants learnt as to how at different levels could network together to better planning and implementation of various programs.
Fr Cyril victor Joseph