Bangalore, August 6, 2019: Around 45 participants comprising of priests, religious, doctors, lay leaders working for disability, the parents of the differently abled and a few differently abled persons themselves met together in the presence of Archbishop Peter Machado and Rev. Fr. Xavier Manavath, Episcopal Vicar for Religious on the 3rd of August, Saturday at Paalana Bhavana. Fr. George Kannanthanam welcoming all the participants appreciated them for their participation at the meeting.
The meeting was organized to understand the concerns of the differently abled persons and to develop responses from the part of the Church. The persons with disabilities and the parents were given ample time to express their feelings and concerns. It was very emotional to listen to them since the biggest learning of the day was their experience.
There was a heart-touching sharing from the parents of the Disabled, who thanked the commission for providing a platform to bring their concerns. They expressed that the Church must resemble the banquette of the Lord, where He invites all - the lame, the deaf and the dumb.

The different proposals made during this meeting to were to bring out a Directory of all the Services in the Archdiocese for Disability and other Services, Archdiocesan Policy on Disability, aSurvey/Census on Disability, ID Cards for the differently abled and Accessibility in our Institutions.