The Archdiocese of Bangalore reaching its hallmark on the social service for the poor and downtrodden with an inauguration and a blessing of Karuna mathe Social Service Centre, a Sub-division of the BMSSS at Mulbagal Taluk, Kolar District., on 06th May 2019; by His Grace Most.Rev.Dr.Peter Machado in the presence of Rev. Fathers, Sisters, NGOs Representatives, BMSSS staffs and the localites at 5.00 pm.
The vision of the Archdiocese to build the kingdom of God is realized in this centre whereby the social service is extended to all sections of the society by looking at the need of the mulbagal region which is a considered to be one of the backward regions of Kolar Dist. The programme began with an introduction by Fr.Joseph Naveen, the Director of BMSSS who welcomed the Archbishop to Cut the Ribbon and to inaugurate with his blessed hands; followed by the programme of blessing of the centre by His Grace with God’s invocation.

After which, Archbishop addressed the gathering on the importance of the service as Christians and followers of Christ in which he said, “One has to die to serve, to reap the harvest.” This is what we are called for and our vision and mission to continue will bring this centre as fulfillment for everyone who seek our help and need.
This centre is started with a motto of love & service to the poor since, the region is backward in all its socio-economic conditions. Thus, with a note of encouragement to all the BMSSS staffs and for the gathering, he wished all success to Fr.Prashanth the appointed Director of the centre and to all the people who begin to work. Rev.Sagaya Arokiadas, the Dean & Parish Priest of Our Lady of Compassion church, honoured our Archbishop and thanked him for this wonderful initiative in that particular region. Rev.Fr.Arokianathan MSFS priest shared his light moments of joy what the Archbishop has initiated along with the Inauguration & opening of the Night stay for the homeless people in the Archbishop’s House campus. Mr.Arokia swamy, a representative of the NGO of Kolar too shared his joy of opening of the centre and gave sufficient factual of the backwardness and thanked our Archbishop. Finally, Fr.Arockia swamy Aruldas, the secretary of the Minority Commission thanked everyone for making the day a success and a history to be written in the chronicles of our Archdiocese.
