Bangalore, 28 January 2021: The Annual Religious Superiors Meet was held at Paalanaa Bhavana, the Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre, Bangalore, on Sunday the 28th January, 2021 under the aegis of Archbishop of Bangalore, Most Rev Dr Peter Machado. This annual meet however could not be conducted last year in view of the pandemic that ravaged the world that shook the humanity beyond comprehension. There was an overwhelming response as more than 250 Superiors drawn from different religious congregations of the Archdiocese of Bangalore converged at the meet. Two sessions on various topics were presented. Experts proficient in their fields were invited to address the gathering. Mr Madhusudhan Reddy, a leading Chartered Accountantspoke in the first session and dealt at length the key aspects of the ‘financial management in the changing political scenario’. The second session was addressed by Rev. Sr. Roshini Karimundakkal on Ecumenism and Evangelization which was well received and triggered off a healthy deliberation on the issues and challenges faced by the religious.

Most Rev Dr Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore, in his presidential address welcomed the gathering. At the outset, with esteem affection and admiration, he thanked all religious congregations in the Archdiocese including the donors and laity who extended their hand of support during the Corona pandemic to reach out to the poor the needy and the displaced and observed that spontaneous concern and care for the people in trouble was evident beyond measure. He reminded, Holy Father Pope’s Letter “Patris Corde” meaning “From the Fathers Heart” is an important and beautiful document that we should try to live the content always and in all circumstances. He reminded the call of the Holy Father declaring this year (2021) to be observed as the“Year of St. Joseph – Father of the Poor”. His Grace laid out various programs of the archdiocese to effectively observe the call of the Holy Father. He touched upon various issues concerning the Religious in particular and the Christian Community at large forewarning the challenging days ahead in a fast-changing socio-political environment and how well to steer clear of the impediments. He advised, “Being a Superior is the role of a father and a mother. Sacrifice must become a virtue in everything we do. We should remember the word of Jesus Christ “I came to serve, not to be served.” the prelate emphasized the sacrificial role of the religious in their lives and there is no substitute to it.It must be said to the credit of CRI led by its President Rev Fr Edward Thomas SDB, and its dedicated team of Religious Sister who tirelessly worked round the clock and spared no efforts to coordinate and organise the meeting to its absolute success.

Rev Fr Gabriel Christy, Coordinator of Archdiocesan Commissions led the proceedings of the day. Rev Fr Cyril Victor, Director, Paalana Bhavana took the lead in organisingthe logistics of the meet most effectively. Msgr. C. Francis, Vicar General, Rev. Fr. Xavier Manavath, CMF, Episcopal Vicar for the Religious was also present. The program concluded with the celebration of the Eucharist by His Grace our Archbishop. The link for the photo album for the religious superiors meet is: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bangalorearchdiocese/albums/72157718124907697