Bangalore, March 18, 2023: Metropolitan Archbishop of Bangalore Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado ordained twenty-four seminarians belonging to the Congregation of the Salesians of Don Bosco, three Seminarians belonging to Missionaries of Sacred Heart and two Seminarians belonging to Passionists Congregation at Kristu Jyoti College in T.C. Palya.

Addressing the candidates in his homily, the prelate exhorted on the Gospel of the day in which Jesus says, you are the light and salt of the world. Archbishop highlighted the importance of Light in one’s life.
“The light of Christ always dispels the darkness of sin. Salt is an important essence, which is a preservative, which purifies. If the salt loses its saltiness, there is no use. The deacons are called for the humble service, by preserving the Gospel values with a purity of mind and heart.” he added.