Bangalore 31 January 2021: Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado, the Archbishop of Bangalore released the youth bulletin Yuva Vani on the occasion of the ICYM (Indian Catholic Youth Movement) Bangalore Youth Leaders Meet on 31 January 2021 in the presence of Rev Fr Gabriel Christy the archdiocesan coordinators of commissions and the Direct of Asha Trust and the youth leaders.

ICYM Bangalore an official youth movement of the archdiocese of Bangalore is part of the network of 5000 youth groups all over India. There was a felt need to have a newsletter to harness the writing talents of the youth and encourage the youth to express themselves in the form of writing. Thus on the occasion of the feast of St John Bosco the Friend and teacher of youth a youth bulletin Yuva Vani was released.
The parish leaders of nine parishes came together to chalk out action plan to empower themselves in reaching out the youth who are going through hard time these moments of pandemic. A lot of sharing and caring took place in the meeting. The youth leaders expressed their need to grow spiritually and emotionally being part of youth groups in their respective parishes.

Fr Anil D’sa the youth director of the archdiocese of Bangalore facilitated the meeting by sharing the youth commission pastoral plan of the archdiocese. The youth enthusiastically participated in the discussion and contributed their share expressing their concerns and best practices for the integral growth of the young people
-Ms Benisha, St Patrick’s Church, Bangalore