Bangalore, March 19, 2023: The parish clergy of St. Anthony’s Church at Madivala organized a unique inclusive program for the transgender community in the wake of 70 years of the church's establishment. The program was a gesture of inclusion and an occasion to welcome the hapless transgender community marginalized from the rest of society.
Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado, Metropolitan Archbishop of Bangalore, presided over the program as the Chief Guest. Dr. Akkai Padmashali, a renowned transgender activist, motivational speaker and a recipient of the Rajyotsva Award, was the guest of honour for the program.
Rev Fr. Amaldass, OFM, the parish priest welcomed the chief guest, guest of honour and the dignitaries present for the program and delineated on the need and importance of such inclusive programs.
In his address, Archbishop Machado highlighted the difficulties the transgender community is facing in society and also appreciated the achievements of Dr. Akkai Padmashali and others in spite of the challenges faced in society.