Bangalore, 12 May, 2020: The Archdiocese of Bangalore rejoiced over the sacerdotal ordinations of two deacons Naveen Kumar and Lukose to the priesthood on Tuesday, 12th May 2020 at Paalanaa Bhavana, the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center. The celebration was simple but solemn with the strict observance of social distancing, containing a limited number of participants due to COVID - 19. Bros. Naveen Kumar and Lukose, until now deacons, received their Holy Orders by His Grace Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado, Metropolitan Archbishop of Bangalore, amidst several priests of the Archdiocese.
In his address, His Grace the Archbishop emphasized the importance of the priesthood and challenges of consecrated life. "Priesthood is not a profession, rather it is a vocation... A priest does not have a private life. Whatever he eats, drinks, and does is all public. Though there are hardships that you must face being priests, you still have come forward to be priests because to serve Christ, who has risen from death. The resurrection is the hallmark of your priesthood," the Prelate said.
The Archbishop welcomed the deacons by performing the rite of Ordination. During this solemn celebration, parents of the new priests were present along with very few relatives.
The newly ordained priests expressed their great joy and satisfaction to the Almighty for the special grace of priesthood to serve His people.