Bangalore, October 25, 2020: In an initiative of the Archdiocesan Women’s Commission to provide Acer Tabs for identified poor girl students, Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado, Metropolitan Archbishop of Bangalore, distributed them on Sunday, at Paalanaa Bhavana, the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center.

33 children, accompanied by one of their parents, were present at the program. The tabs were set along with the cyber safety pamphlets prepared by Mrs. Elanie D’Souza. Before the distribution of tabs, Mrs. Brinda Adige briefed children on cyber safety.
The Archbishop addressing the children said that the help you have received today should be the help you give it to someone else in the future. The Prelate also mentioned that they must be grateful for the help they have received in the difficult times. He urged them to study well and make their parents and benefactors proud.
The special address of Rev. Fr. Joseph brought smiles and laughter on the faces of children.

Mrs. Lorna Lobo, secretary of the Archdiocesan Women’s Commission acknowledged the hard work of the members of the commission in making this program possible. The program was concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Mrs. Vidya.
Mrs. Lorna Lobo,
Secretary, Women’s Commission