In 80 years, of her existence; our lady of Lourdes church for the first time in its history heard two days of continuous laughter, life and joy of different youth from various parishes of Bangalore.
Chosen- 2019, an OLLY initiative is just two months young and it proved itself a welcomed group when 700 youth from 17 parishes showed up for the gospel fest. With 71 youngsters headed by 7 core committee members we hosted ...... on stage and off stage events along with 5 outdoor sports events.

It was indeed a spirit filled and joy filled occasion wherein God almighty chose us to pave way for these 700 youth to experience our title in their life too. We now have a mission to be his chosen ones with a vision to evangelise Christ and his love and forgiveness. We thank God for choosing us to reach out to every youth of our parish and diocese bringing unity and togetherness in establish the kingdom of God. We bank upon your prayers and the spiritual support of our pastors in belonging to Christ and bringing others to Him with the guidance of Holy Spirit and our Dear Mother. We OLLY under The Banner of our lady of Lourdes will strive to bring everyone to Christ. Ad Jesus Per Mariam- To Jesus through Mary