Dear Donors/ Sponsors/ Benefactors,
First of all, The Archdiocese of Bengaluru salutes all the sponsors, donors and benefactors for reaching out during this Lock down situation that has arisen due to the Corona Pandemic.
At the request of Archbishop Peter Machado many of you have immediately responded with your generous contributions to the BMSSS Disaster relief fund for the cause of Covid-19. We, the Staff, here at Bangalore Multipurpose Social Service Society (BMSSS), are working round the clock to acknowledge each and every donor.
By this notice, we would like to request the donors enlisted in this attachment to reach out to us to furnish your contact details so that we could avoid auditing problems.
Thanking you for your kind co-operation,
The Director, BMSSS, Paalanaa Bhavana,
No.5, Nandidurga Road, Jayamahal Extension,
Benson Town, Bengaluru – 560 046
Mob: 8296063631/Landline: 080 - 23334962
Email – bmsss06@outlook.com/ ashaspon@gmail.com