Bangalore: St. James Church in Marianpalya was in celebration-mode on the Parochial feast day, July 25th 5.30 pm.
The celebration marked the 75th year of the erection of the old church. A new Church adjacent to it was built few years ago to meet the needs of a growing Catholic population in the vicinity.
Over 600 Catholics attended the flag-hoisting and the Holy Mass presided by Archbishop Rev Peter Machado. Parish priest Peter Edwin, many con-celebrants(vocations from the parish) and it's first priestly vocation Fr. T Bernard and religious (nuns) participated. The mass was celebrated at the old church with the Faithful also accommodated in the compound.
The short trickle of rains did not hamper the participation of the Faithful.

In his homily, the Prelate elucidated the meaning 'of being Church' exhorting the faithful to work towards 'building community' by breaking-down barriers that prevent us from bringing all people under the banner of God's unconditional love. He also spoke of true worship as embracing people of all communities in a spirit of humility and service. 'You are a true follower of Christ only when you accept people of all communities' he added. In his closing comments at the end of the Holy Mass, the Archbishop said that he has encouraged the beginning of an English Mass to welcome more people to the church to worship and to address the spiritual needs of people. He expressed hope that the parishioners will co-operate in the interest of the growth of the parish.
The Prelate is known to emphasize on this element of community building everywhere he goes.
The Parish Priest informed the gathering of the many vocations that stemmed from the Parish who are serving in various places in India and abroad.
Fr. T Bernard (brother of Bishop T Anthonyswamy, Chikmagalur) appealed to the Archbishop for a bigger church to facilitate church services. The Archbishop re- emphasised building of community as a pre-requisite and a priority.

The celebrations will conclude after the novenas to St. James and administering of the sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation by Archbishop (Emeritus) Rev Bernard Moras on July 28th.
Report: Fr. Adolf Washington