The KOLPING Day celebration & ‘SAPRSHA – Campaign against cancer’ awareness program held at Paalana Bhavana, Archdiocese of Bangalore on 28.11.2019 at 10:30 am with Holy Mass. Fr. Joseph Naveen Kumar, BMSSS director, Fr. Antony Swami, BMSSS Assistant Director, Fr.Wilson Resource Person for the Kolping day celebration, and 100 SHG members from 5 district of Karnataka were present for the program.

Mrs. Arogyamary, coordinator of Bangalore region welcomed the chief gusts and the participants. Children from Kanakanagar region performed a welcome dance. Fr. Naveen Kumar in his introductory speech described the life history of Blessed Adolph Kolping and the need of cancer prevention in Karnataka. He encouraged the SHG members to take initiative to prevent cancer as a volunteer. Resource person Fr. Wilson conducted the session on the theme ‘Opportunities in Renewable energy sector’ and explained about the Nonrenewable & renewable energy, present environment conditions, global warming, pollutions, our responsibility to protect the nature and to practice the renewable energy. Fr. Antony Swami briefed about the importance of the day. Mr. Jimmy Joy and team who are specialized in medical & psychiatric social work conducted cancer awareness to the SHG members. Mr. Francis Inban was the master of ceremony. Kolping members expressed their joy and gratitude through various cultural performances.
In the end, Mrs. Nirmala, coordinator of Tumkur region offered a vote of thanks to all the invited guests and participants.