“Every life is precious, every life is a present and every life has a purpose” was the slug line for the Prolife day programme which was organised by the family welfare centre in
association with different family movements, prolife organisations and various institutions on 25 th of March, 2019, at St Francis Xavier Cathedral to commemorate the feast of Annunciation.
The prolife volunteers stood on the footpath outside of St Francis Xavier Church holding placards and cardboards on themes which include Children are created in image and Likeness of God, Natural family planning, Adoption not abortion, Responsible parenthood, Save Girl Child, Every life has a purpose, Gift of Life, Children are a blessing.
There was a silent procession into the church after this public demonstration.
Dr Peter Machado, the archbishop of Bangalore, along with the other diocesan priests
celebrated the Holy Eucharist and encouraged parents to have more children and to take responsible care of them. Bishop also announced free education for the fourth child in the archdiocesan schools. After the solemn Holy mass, people walked with candles outside the church and prayed for unborn babies.
Pro Life couples with four and more children were felicitated during the short cultural celebration outside the church. Mrs Violet from St Francis Xavier Cathedral after the felicitation said “For the first time, I am made to feel delighted about having more children.” Bro Victor, ICPE missionary, who is blessed with four kids said, “We get second looks from people even at church when we walk with four kids. A section of the family too taunted us and called us careless, irresponsible, “too catholic”. Hardly anyone understood our joy and the blessings. But on seeing many pro-life families with many of them having more kids than us at the felicitation, it gave us the reassurance that we have been on the right track, in line with the plan of God and faithful to the teachings of the church.” The program also witnessed a theme song on pro life composed by Fr Hadley, Fr Clement and lyrics written by Fr Juan.
There is a proposal to build a sanctuary for the unborn babies. Pro Life t-shirts are sold to raise funds for the same. Those interested to buy can call Fr Sunny Richard John - 9164235987