Hope the Catholic Church not succumb to the diktats of securar authority
on closing/re-opening of Churches a their whims.
All can and must follow the health safety guidelines but we pray that our Church authorities will come up with some novel ways to feed the faithful (physical Holy Communion and Holy Confession).
Many of our parishes have huge grounds close to the churches and those should be used to increase physical participation and also following all the health guidelines.
Katherin Kala
Jun 07, 2020
Thanks For Your Guideline father, Hope Each & ever church will follow & be a part in
eradicating this Pandemic With Gods love. May the sovereign lord fill you with his spirit
Hope the Catholic Church not succumb to the diktats of securar authority
on closing/re-opening of Churches a their whims.
All can and must follow the health safety guidelines but we pray that our Church authorities will come up with some novel ways to feed the faithful (physical Holy Communion and Holy Confession).
Many of our parishes have huge grounds close to the churches and those should be used to increase physical participation and also following all the health guidelines.
Thanks For Your Guideline father, Hope Each & ever church will follow & be a part in
eradicating this Pandemic With Gods love. May the sovereign lord fill you with his spirit
& clothed with majesty and strength to lead us