That very first day, several unknown faces under the same roof, in the same premises, commenced a new journey unfamiliar towards a possibility of sorts - a chosen destination, but sure of the purpose, offered themselves confidently into that very hands of our God which fearfully and wonderfully made. Ps 139-14.
Archdiocesan Priests reassembled to recall their fond memories and reenergize their past and beautiful experiences at their Alma Mater, The Archdiocesan Minor Seminary, Bhakti Bhavan to mark the significance and importance of the feast of ‘The Presentation of the Lord’. The seminary opened its doors in 1989 to be the ‘nursery’ for the formation of the Priest-hood generating life to the Archdiocese of Bangalore by sending qualified and committed Priests to cater to the various spiritual needs of the faithful.

Around Eighty Priests assembled at the campus of the ‘Alma Mater’ to join in the celebrations. The brothers from Bhakti Bhavan and their neighborhood seminary Maria Bhavan put their talents together to present various cultural events and displayed gymnastic skills besides other colorful short skits to entertain the large crowd that had converged as part of this great celebration. Rev Fr John Abraham the senior most priest of the Archdiocese and currently the Parish Priest of St John Paul the II Church, K Channasandra who incidentally was the first Rector of the minor seminary recalled with fond memories the challenges of the initial days with vivid examples and instances that molded and shaped the destiny of innumerable Priest who graduated and are now serving at various Parishes with dedication and spiritual fervor. Many Priests of the Alumni shared their individual experiences and suggested that this gathering should be an annual feature.
The Alumni meet came to an end with the Holy Eucharistic presided by His Grace our Archbishop Most Rev Dr. Peter Machado. The prelate in his homily gave inspiring insights and significance of the Minor Seminary.
Maria Anthony Zinedine