Bangalore, 20 February 2020: Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore, walked in procession along with the faithful of Christ the King Church, Byrathi, as they began a three-day novena to commemorate the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes this Sunday. The procession went from the Church to the Marian grotto at the entrance of the village. Archbishop Peter Machado blessed and hoisted the flag prior to the Eucharistic Celebration along with Rev. Fr. Y. Michael, the parish priest. Speaking in his homily, the Archbishop exhorted that Mother Mary is the Mother of our society. She will not forsake anyone who asks her intersession. " Mary is the mother of our families. She doesn't discriminate. If we, among ourselves, create disharmony and discord, we hurt our mother." the prelate added. Archbishop Machado stressed the importance of praying Rosary. He said "Family that prays together, stays together." He also narrated how he is personally indebted to Mother Mary for all her help and intercession in his life.

- Ajay Raj PRO office