Bangalore 22 February 2020: The Archdiocese of Catholic Lawyers in association with St. Joseph’s Law College organized a one-day seminar on the topic ‘Contemporary Challenges to the Indian Constitution’ on 22 February 2020 at St. Joseph’s Law College, Bangalore. The National Seminar was inaugurated by Most. Rev. Dr. Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore, in the presence of the Provincial of Karnataka Jesuits Rev. Fr. Dr. Jerome Stanislaus D’Souza, SJ, Rev. Fr. Devadass, the Administrator of Legal Department of the Archdiocese of Bangalore, and Mr. Anil Albert D’Souza, coordinator in charge of the Bangalore Archdiocesan Catholic Lawyers. Archbishop Peter Machado, speaking in his inaugural address stressed upon the importance of the Indian Constitution by asking the lawyers to uphold the spirit and love of the Constitution. Rev. Fr. Dr. Jerome Stanislaus D’Souza, SJ, the Provincial of the Karnataka Jesuits, in his keynote address, urged the lawyers to keep a copy of the Indian Constitution with them along with other law books so that we are constitutionally strong. The seminar commenced with Professor Babu Matthew, a well-known activist, lawyer and academician, addressing the gathering. He highlighted the challenges to the Indian Constitution the lawyers have to face in the future. Mr. Clifton D’Rosario, another activist and advocate briefed the gathering regarding the CAA. He attracted the audience by giving them research oriented information about CAA and its developments along with the constitutional amendments. Rev. Fr. Francis Guntapilly, SJ, secretary of the Karnataka Regional Commission for Labour, in the third session, conducted a group session that dealt upon what the Catholic lawyers should do in the future along action plans.