Bangalore, November 14, 2021: On the occasion of Childrens' Day, Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado, Metropolitan Archbishop of Bangalore, visited Jeevan Deep Makkala Kendra at Carmelaram in Bangalore. He celebrated the Holy Eucharist for children and specially invoked God's blessings upon them. The Archbishop mingled with the children, conversed with them and became one among them for few minutes.
He distributed gifts to them and urged them to pray always. The prelate also briefed them about the importance of studies and also admonished them to be responsible in life.
Jeevan Deep Makkala Kendra is a Home for Children, managed and run by the Society of the Fransciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, popularly known as the Hospitallers.
Report: Deacon George/ Mr. Ajay Raj