Bangalore, 14th December 2020: The Archdiocesan Commission for the Differently Abled celebrated the International Day of Persons with Disability. Most Rev. Dr Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore, celebrated the Holy Eucharist on this occasion.
International days are occasions to educate people on issues of concern and to mobilize resources to address problems, and to celebrate and reinforce the achievements of humanity.
The Archbishop in his opening address delineated how Advent is the period of waiting and contemplated on how time is money by using the example of an English sci-fi film ‘In Time’. He proceeded to explain how every minute and second given to us can’t be wasted and we have to utilize every bit of it. “Time flows as if it was in its own time. We have no control over time but what we do have control upon is how we use it. How will we prepare for the coming of the Lord this Advent?”
Using the anecdote of a villager who dedicates his life to paving a path across the hill for others, the prelate urged the people present to prepare the way for our specially-abled brothers and sisters. “We all have been called upon to do this special duty selflessly.”
His Grace also mentioned that the year was being celebrated as the year of the poor by the Archdiocese. “The differently-abled among us is the part of the suffering humanity and we need to help them in every possible way”, he said. Today being ‘Gaudete Sunday’, he reminded the faithful that they are called to Rejoice in the Lord.
The readings during the mass were done by differently-abled children from different parishes. The choir was conducted by the children from Dina Nilaya Convent, Kothanur.
The Video link for the entire celebration can be found here: