Bangalore, 2 Feb 2020: Our Lady of Fatima Comitium began the centenary
celebrations of Legion of Mary at Mount Carmel Church, Mariapura,
The members of the Legion of Mary gathered from different parts of the city at the
parish Church. The celebration commenced with the prayerful recitation of Holy
Rosary through a procession followed by the Holy Eucharist. Most Rev. Dr. Peter
Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore presided over the Holy Eucharist along with
other priests.

Members of Legion of Mary had organised a cultural program after the mass. The
cultural extravaganza contained dance, singing, tableau portraying various
apparitions of Mother Mary, Drama on the Life and Service of St. Teresa of Avila,
Kolata – a folklore dance and more.

Fr. Sunny Richard, the spiritual director of Legion of Mary apostolate made the
legionaries to make a commitment to recite the rosary and visit the houses.
Rev. Fr. Cyril Victor Joseph, Director of Paalanaa Bhavana, the Archdiocesan
Pastoral Centre addressed the gathering. Rev. Fr. Leo Frank narrated the origin and
development of the Legion of Mary. The priests were honoured by the members of the Legion of Mary